
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Weekend stuff

This weekend we ran at Lake Hodges. Everyone is tapering so there was no need to drive really far for 14 miles. I went to the wrong spot but eventually literally ran into my friends out on the trail. It was crazy humid but not to hot so the run was actually nice. We ran around Lake Hodges and it was nice to see so many runners out there and mountain bikers. Becca made cupcakes and after a couple of us went to breakfast.
I took today completely off and just rested and took a 2 hour nap. This next week I will just do short runs and the most important thing for me is I need to get to bed early. The older I get the better I run when I sleep at least 8 hours. That is not a bad problem to have. I love to sleep when ever Jack does. I have a busy week ahead of me filled with family dinners and a baseball game with my sister. I am really excited about saturday run .. Noble Canyon is so much fun because so many people I admire will be there running. I hope your week was good and happy times ahead..

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