
Friday, October 29, 2010

Your Appointment with Friday

Thank You for joining us this Friday evening. Carrie and I are here with your sweet Photo Challenge for this Friday. Our word of the week is Taaa Daaaa ...
  1. To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing. See Synonyms at observe.
  2. To perform (a religious ceremony): celebrate Mass.
  3. To extol or praise: a sonnet that celebrates love.
  4. To make widely known; display: "a determination on the author's part to celebrate . . . the offenses of another" (William H. Pritchard).
What Celebrate means to me...To be so aware and in the moment that you feel the need to Celebrate. I celebrated Isabella starting Guitar Classes this week by having celebration consisting of chocolate cupcakes.Its taking that extra moment or saying a couple extra words to celebrate someone. Its observing how wonderful an expirience with candles.. You know the feeling.. We have it a-lot when we are little..Birthdays, Christmas, Easter...
As we grow up it gets harder to find that feeling of celebration.. It comes on less frequent..
but practicing celebrating the small things brings it back.....So lets take a picture of something that brings that feeling to you..

1 comment:

Kelly Berkey said...

Wonderful word pretty lady! I love to celebrate everything! Now I'm going to celebrate saturday morning with a cappuccino in bed with my love;-) xoxo